ASEEES Convention 2024 Travel Stipend Call for Applications

Ukraine on Campus will offer a number of travel stipends for students and presenters to attend the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies Convention this November 21 - 24 in Boston, MA

The Ukraine on Campus project, through the support of Razom for Ukraine, is pleased to offer travel stipends to students and presenters looking to attend this year's annual ASEEES Convention. Travel grants are available to partially offset the costs of Convention attendance. 

The Convention program can be found here. Registration for the Convention is required in addition to submitting the application for a travel stipend. The link for registration can be found here.

To apply for a travel stipend, please submit the information and materials listed in the application on this page. 

Ukraine on Campus seeks to support undergraduate students, graduate students, and conference presenters as they engage with ASN and the leading voices in the study of Ukraine present at the Convention. The project promotes emerging experts on Ukraine and student activism and engagement to further the study of Ukraine’s history, culture, and identity. Students and presenters at all levels of study and expertise are encouraged to apply.


ASEEES Recap Reel.mp4

You can access the form in a separate window here: